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We at Tallaght Rockets are thrilled to be able to keep working with our sponsor Aid to the Church in Need Ireland! Our club has been able to advance through this partnership and stands strong through these unfortunate times with Aid to the Church in Need by our side.
Through this, we would like to tell you a bit about the crucial work that Aid to the Church in Need does.

Aid to the Church in Need (ACN) is a Pontifical Foundation with specialises in working with the Church in deprived parts of the world and in particular in areas where Christians are persecuted for their faith.  ACN provides financial support to the local Church and communities on the ground to provide for people’s physical and spiritual needs.  ACN has been involved in providing humanitarian aid in both Iraq and Syria and has also helped local Christians to rebuild their churches, schools and hospitals.  ACN’s close work with local churches and communities allows them to respond quickly and efficiently.  For example after the explosion in Beirut on 4 August, within 24 hours Aid to the Church in Need pledged €250,000 for immediate use.  These funds were used to purchase 5880 food packages for distribution in Lebanon.  If you are interested in ACN’s work or would like to support their work in the future then please visit the website below.

2020 - 2021 SEASON

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